Wednesday, March 31, 2010

With the Exodus done...

...let the 40 years of cleaning begin!

(OK, you got me...I skipped summarizing last night's second seder at my folks...Let me assure you, it was full of warm friends and family...both old and new...lovely food and storytelling.)

To be honest, I was zonked! But I did manage to make a hostess gift after my nap...

I had thought about making this adjustment to the Pecan Farfel Brittle the first time I made it (Monday!), but wanted to see how it came out before I played with it...So I figured I'd do it "next time" which became today after I saw my mom cop a piece or two for her ride home:

Pecan Farfel Brittle, vers. 2...even better than vers. 1, IMHO, 'cuz it gets another dimension: chewy.

Here goes:

-Heat oven to 350 and toast 2 c matzah farfel (small, cereal-sized, pieces of matzah) on a sheet pan for 25 mins until goldish. Pour into bowl to cool and line pan with Silpat.
-In a heavy pot, combine a half c water with 2 c sugar and a pinch of salt on med-high heat. Stir with wooden spoon until dissolved, then boil - Without stirring, swirl ONLY - until caramel colored. (Don't leave this alone; once it starts to color, it can burn in a flash!)
-While sugar is working, chop 1 and a half c pecans and a half c dried apricots (yay, version 2!) and put into bowl with farfel. Spray wooden spoon with oil.
-When sugar's golden, immediately cut the heat and add farfel, pecans and apricots. Mix to combine and quickly dump onto Silpat, smoothing into one thinish layer.
-Sprinkle on about 1 t (finishing) sea salt and cool completely before you break up into chunks.

Yes, my friends, it's even better...wait, I'm sure there's a chocolate version swimming in my head on the look out...

Meanwhile, I have another load of dishes for the dishwasher...

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