Monday, May 3, 2010


Unfortunately for everyone, that was our mood not our menu.

We schlepped hither and yon: Looking at tile - I like this; John likes that; It's HOW MUCH a square foot? - looking at shower doors - 3 weeks to order??? - and garden center after garden center - 'cuz 1 just isn't enough!

So it didn't take long for the crankies to set in...especially after 145 thousand tile options and nearly as many plants!

The 'plan' had been to treat ourselves to a light dinner out - appetizers, drinks, oooo and maybe dessert - but you know what happens with plans...they turn into Suz Serves Sustenance.

I needed help on short notice and beseeched to the Bubbles..."Ommmm, Opalescent Bubbles...Dinner needs to be quick, tasty and do its best to Cure my Cantankerous Crowd...Ommmm."

Pop! Chopped meat for sliders...
Pop! Shrimp to grill...
Pop! Sangria to take the edge off...

Here goes:

-For 15 mins (more time, less time: doesn't matter), marinate 1 lb shrimp in zest from 3-quarters of a lemon and its juice, a half t chili powder, 2 T sliced scallions, 2 minced garlic cloves, 1 t salt and a half t ground black pepper. Lance 'em with (water-logged bamboo) skewers. Grill 'til pink.

-Into 1 lb (80/20) chopped meat, combine zest of a quarter lemon, a half t fenugreek powder, leaves from 5 stems of fresh thyme, a quarter lb crumbled feta, 3 T sliced scallions, a half t ground black pepper and 1 T garlic infused (if ya still got it hangin around, plain if ya don't) olive oil. Form into baby burgers (don't forget the imprint on the top!) and grill to your liking.

-Into a pitcher, pour 1 750-ml bottle sturdy red wine and a half c B&B (it's what I had, any nice brandy or cognac will do).
-Add a half t turbinado sugar, 3 quarters of an apple sliced, 1 lime sliced, 1 lemon sliced, 1 plum sliced and 3 mandarin/clementine oranges sliced.
-Top off with ice and enjoy...

Just the ticket to soothe the blood and extricate the crabs.

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