Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's Hockey Nite in Skillman!

For more than a year now, our basement has been home to any number of teenaged guys looking for roller hockey glory on a weekly basis...good thing the basement's unfinished!

For them, it means pizza's on the menu.

For us, it often means a chance to go out to eat.

Yer thinkin, Whoa! How do you dare leave your home - to have fun, no less! - in the hands of those notoriously sneaky, wild, messy, cavorting creatures called Teenaged BOYS?

I'll tell ya: These are responsible, respectful young Men. Mine included. And while I fully expect shenanigans - in fact I'd be surprised if there weren't - I also fully expect they know enough to keep themselves and each other safe. These are Good guys...and besides, we're all just a cell call away!

So now that I've restored your faith in TeenAgeKind (oooo, that's kinda punny!), John and I let the Wonderful folks at Eno Terra shake our martinis, pour our wine and cook our food. And lemme tell ya, I'd let them do it once a week if I could. The food's that delicious and that varied to make a weekly visit an adventure, not a standard.

When we go out like this, we prefer to sit at the bar rather than at a table...there's more social interaction that way, afterall we've had a week of talking to ourselves...and we get the benefit of talking with the bartender, who of course knows the skinny on all the dishes.

We also prefer the 'small plate' philosophy of sharing appetizer sizes of a lot of dishes: it can be less expensive this way, but mostly we can bring a lot more variety to our meal.

(And while this may be tacky for a 'nite out' I like that bars have TVs for sports...surprisingly enough, the TV at Eno Terra is not out of place...and the men's bronze medal hockey game was on. What? You can take the gal outta the home, but hockey's still in her blood!)

Oh, and when I made the scones this morning, I used 1 C whole wheat flour and 1 C all-purpose flour and tossed in about a cuppa golden raisins...much to the delight of Dill and his sleep-over guest....guests?...I dunno...There seem to be a lot of teens comin in and goin out all weekend long...


  1. what did you eat at Eno Terra? I could do with a nice meal out... one day! Eno sounds good (and makes me think of Brian Eno)

  2. Hiya!
    A nice meal out can make me us like a million bucks, doncha think? Even if it's an appetizer and a glass of wine.
    Sat Night, we split:
    -Fried Artichokes;
    -Grass-fed Beef Carpaccio;
    -'medium' serving of Strozzapretti Bolognese;
    -Formaggi; and
    -Pear & Cranberry crisp
    And it was a lot of food...but John eats much more than I.

    Here's a link to Eno Terra's pdf menus, if you haven't already drooled on your keyboard (I do that all the time!):

    Thanks for commenting!
