Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Leftover's are OK in my book

Hmmm...So John's stopping on his way home to get lawn fertilizer, I'm hitting the market to pick up the butter and eggs the GPS didn't include and the guys have been noshing all afternoon...

...It's Clean Out the Fridge Night!

Well, last night's Savory bread pudding anyway...

The guys and I had a nice dinner, a little conversation and watched an 'educational' program on the life and times of sperm...they used people to illustrate the little swimmers and so Dill and I picked the top 2 and Jere says, the guy with the glasses wins, and we say, how do you know? and Jere says, I saw this in class. My tax dollars at work.

So, I'll leave you with this thought: If sperm were People-sized, their travel in the female body would be monumentally more strenuous and daunting than 15 back-to-back triathlons...So after they burst open their heads to gain egg-try (entry, get it?), they should be rewarded with a microscopic bread pudding...doncha think?

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