Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Unfortunately, Fortunately

Yesterday, John and I played a game of Unfortunately, Fortunately.

Unfortunately, the plumber touched a tile in our shower stall and it caved in.

Fortunately, the leak from the stall onto the kitchen floor isn't a plumbing issue.

Unfortunately, we weren't planning on redoing our master bath.

Fortunately, we get to pick new tile for the shower stall for a little redecoration....

You get the idea...drip, drip, drip has planted its wet self as Priority 1 on our (ever-growing) List of Projects. Never mind that we have to strike a match to light the listing stove burners; or that the laminate on some kitchen cabinets has melted just enough to prevent doors/drawers from closing properly; or that our income was recently chopped in 2...

Nope. When the drip calls, you listen.

So while the Bubbles merrily popped overhead today, I was daydream designing with the blues and greens of glass mosaic tiles that Catherine and I saw at Lowe's yesterday...

Mmmm....that would go really well with - POP! - chicken. Chicken? Oh right...dinner.

Grilled, with bbq sauce, and maybe I'll make 'em into tacos...that's my plan and I'm stickin to it!

Unfortunately, a plan's only as good as the screen it's written on.
(no tortillas or taco shells in the house)

Fortunately, I am flexible!
(tacos morph into a french bread sandwich)

Here goes:

-Heat the grill to high.
-Dry 4 boneless chicken breasts and season lightly on each side with adobo seasoning. Drop onto the grill.
-After flipping the chicken onto the second side, brush the cooked side lightly with (jarred) bbq sauce. (I used Trader Joe's smokey, but not overly sweet, sauce.)
-When side 2 is done, brush on a bit more sauce. By basting the cooked sides, you don't have to worry about raw/cooked cross contamination...or having the sauce burn on the food.
-Slice open the french bread lengthwise and brush a bit of bbq sauce onto the bread.
-Thinly slice the chicken, pile onto the bread and top with 4 slices havarti cheese.

My darling Mixologist provided the martinis ... and on the side, we had broccoli slaw (see A new way to call...) and this time I wanted the dressing a bit more tangy so I substituted plain greek yogurt for the mayo, used juice from half a lemon, and added a half t honey and a quarter t sesame oil...and I think that's the way to go, especially the martinis!

Unfortunately, there were few leftovers.

Fortunately, the game starts over tomorrow.

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